Protest-Aktion gegen Delfinpool im Gran Bahia Principe Tulum

Befreit die Delfine aus dem Hotel-Pool!

Fordern Sie die Schließung des Delfinpools!

Bitte unterstützen Sie unseren Protest

Keine 20 m von ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum entfernt müssen sechs Delfine unter katastrophalen Bedingungen ihr Leben in einem winzigen Becken auf der Anlage des Ferienresorts Gran Bahia Principe Tulum fristen.

Wir appellieren an Mexiko-Urlauber, das Hotel Gran Bahia Principe Tulum zu boykottieren!

Bitte leiten Sie diesen Protestaufruf an Familie, Freunde und Bekannte weiter. Jede Stimme zählt!

Helfen Sie bei der Befreiung der Delfine aus dem Hotel-Pool!

Empfänger der Protestmail:


  • Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico
    C. Secretario Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada

Dear Sir,


I am shocked to learn about a dolphinarium in the facilities of the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum Resort in Mexico where several bottlenose dolphins are kept in a tiny concrete pool in the most appalling conditions.


I respectfully urge you to take immediate action and close this facility.


Six dolphins are presently forced to live in miserable conditions in a tiny pool of about 20 m in diameter and 4 m in depth. They have no shade, and are exposed to human interaction every single day. According to the programs advertised on Dolphinaris’ website, the guests can swim with the marine mammals or play at being “trainer for one day”, children are encouraged to play with the dolphins and kiss them.


Such keeping conditions are extremely cruel for the dolphins.


Dolphins are highly complex social animals. They can travel up to 70 miles a day in the open sea, reach speeds higher than 20 miles per hour, and dive up to 600 meters. Keeping dolphins in captivity shortens their lives through stress-related diseases and depression caused by swimming in endless circles. They suffer higher mortality than in the wild, increased stress and are placed in unnatural surroundings. The situation is even worse in such facilities as the one of Gran Bahia Principe Tulum.


The educational benefit of captive whale and dolphin display facilities is highly questionable since they convey a completely distorted picture of the cetaceans’ true nature. The animals are degraded to clowns incarcerated to entertain people – especially in such money making facilities as the one in Gran Bahia Principe Tulum.


Captivity cannot be justified morally, ethically, or rationally, due to the significantly reduced quality of life which captivity dictates.


Marine mammals are sentient beings. They should not be abused for perverted forms of entertainment. People should be taught to respect and protect them; even more so in view of the numerous threats marine mammals are facing.


Again, I respectfully urge you to take immediate action and close this facility.


Thank you for your attention.

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